How To Clean The Chicken Coop Better?

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If you want to make sure that your chickens and eggs are free from salmonella and whatnot, it is necessary that you are extra careful with the cleanliness of the entire area. Birds are sure to poop and eat whatever that comes their way, however as the person rearing them, it is a duty of yours to make sure that they are properly cared for in every way and this starts from their coop. So here are some tips to help you take better care of the coop and maintain its cleanliness. 

Hose off the roosting bar

The roosting bar is where the birds usually flock together and rest for the day whenever they go to sleep. You might also know that when they roost, they also tend to poop! And it is no shocker at all. However, when it comes to making sure the coop is clean in every way, this is one thing you should take extra concern over. You can easily use a garden hose and wash off this poop or mix in a white vinegar soaked sponge along with it and detoxify the pole at the same time. This way there is a lesser chance of diseases and bugs spreading. It also helps to remove the nasty smell too! 

Check the nesting place

There is nothing as comfortable as jumping on your clean bed with a freshly washed sheet placed on it. This is the same feeling these birds too get when they have a clean place stuffed with hay purchased from right chicken bedding suppliers. If this place isn’t cleaned on a regular basis and made sure it is fresh, there is a chance that these birds wouldn’t even want to lay eggs and that is going to ruin your whole purpose (especially if it is to collect eggs). You cannot expect these birds to give you want without taking good care of them. So make sure that you take care of them well and then the rest would follow!

Wash the floors

A clean floor is a must when you want to make sure that the entire place is also equally clean. Even when it comes to your home, a cleaner floor simply makes everything feel better. When it comes to the chicken’s coop make sure that you take extra care to the floors. When you leave it for too long without cleaning, it is sure to stink really bad and may even spread stuff like salmonella. So once the chickens are out of their coop, start cleaning the floors by removing all that is inside and washing it off with a hose. Make sure to scrub the place to get off all that dirt stuck in different corners. Once you do this then you can add hay or any other bedding like they would do in a horse stable with horse bedding Sydney.In addition to the above make sure that you take special care on where you place the food and water for your chickens because they would poop right in them without any care! So it is best that you have them hanging from a higher place to make sure that they don’t poop right on them. consider the above tips and make sure that your chickens have a clean place to live and breed!